
The currently premier map editor for World of Warcraft in version 3.3.5a.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This software is open source software licensed under GPL3, as found in the COPYING file.


You can follow Noggit's development and get the latest build here: https://discord.gg/UbdFHyM


This project requires CMake to be built. It also requires the following libraries:

  • OpenGL
  • StormLib (by Ladislav Zezula)
  • Boost
  • Qt 5

Further following libraries are required for MySQL GUID Storage builds:

  • LibMySQL
  • MySQLCPPConn


Text in <brackets> below are up to your choice but shall be replaced with the same choice every time the same text is contained.


Any recent version of Microsoft Visual C++ should work. Be sure to remember which version you chose as later on you will have to pick corresponding versions for other dependencies.


Any recent CMake 3.x version should work. Just take the latest.


Install boost to <boost-install>. The easiest is to download a pre-built package from https://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost-binaries/.

  • Any version from the last years should work, 1.60 at least.
  • Be sure to pick the right compiler version!
  • CMake may not support the latest version yet, if you have bad timing, try picking the second newest if configuring fails.


Install Qt5 to <Qt-install>, downloading a pre-built package from https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/#section-2.

Note that during installation you only need one version of Qt and also only one compiler version. If download size is noticably large (more than a few hundred MB), you're probably downloading way too much.


Download StormLib from https://github.com/ladislav-zezula/StormLib (any recent version).

  • open CMake GUI
  • set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (path) to <Stormlib-install> (folder should not yet exist). No other things should need to be configured.
  • open solution with visual studio
  • build ALL_BUILD
  • build INSTALL
  • Repeat for both release and debug.


  • open CMake GUI
  • set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH (path) to "<Qt-install>;<Stormlib-install>", e.g. "C:/Qt/5.6/msvc2015;D:/StormLib/install"
  • set BOOST_ROOT (path) to <boost-install>, e.g. "C:/local/boost_1_60_0"
  • (unlikely to be required:) move the libraries of Boost from where they are into BOOST_ROOT/lib so that CMake finds them automatically or set BOOST_LIBRARYDIR to where your lib are (.dll and .lib). Again, this is highly unlikely to be required.
  • set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX (path) to an empty destination, e.g. "C:/Users/blurb/Documents/noggitinstall
  • configure, generate
  • open solution with visual studio
  • build ALL_BUILD
  • build INSTALL

To launch noggit you will need the following DLLs from Qt loadable. Install them in the system, or copy them from C:/Qt/X.X/msvcXXXX/bin into the directory containing noggit.exe, i.e. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX configured.

  • release: Qt5Core, Qt5OpenGL, Qt5Widgets, Qt5Gui
  • debug: Qt5Cored, Qt5OpenGLd, Qt5Widgetsd, Qt5Guid


On Ubuntu you can install the building requirements using:

sudo apt install freeglut3-dev libboost-all-dev qt5-default libstorm-dev

Compile and build using:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j $(nproc)

Instead of make -j $(nproc) you may want to pick a bigger number than $(nproc), e.g. the number of CPU cores * 1.5.

If the build pass correctly without errors, you can go into build/bin/ and run noggit. Note that make install will probably work but is not tested, and nobody has built distributable packages in years.


Feel free to ask the owner of the official repository (https://github.com/wowdev/noggit3) for write access or fork and post a pull request.

There is a bug tracker at https://github.com/wowdev/noggit3/issues which should be used.

Discord, as linked above, may be used for communication.


Following is an example for file src/noggit/ui/foo_ban.hpp. .cpp files are similar.

// This file is part of Noggit3, licensed under GNU General Public License (version 3).
//! \note Include guard shall be using #pragma once
#pragma once
//! \note Use fully qualified paths rather than "../relative". Order
//! includes with own first, then external dependencies, then c++ STL.
#include <noggit/bar.hpp>
//! \note Namespaces equal directories. (java style packages.)
namespace noggit
  namespace ui
    //! \note Lower case, underscore separated.
    class foo_ban : public QWidget
      //! \note Long parameter list. Would be more than 80 chars.
      //! chars. Break with comma in front. Use spaces to be
      //! aligned below the braces.
      foo_ban ( type name
              , type_2 const& name_2
              , type const& name3
        : QWidget (nullptr)
      //! \note Prefer initialization lists over assignment.
        , _var (std::move (name))

      //! \note Use const where possible. No space between name and
      //! braces when no arguments are given.
      void render() const;
      //! \note If you really need getters and setters, your design
      //! might be broken. Please avoid them or consider just a
      //! public data member, or use proper methods with semantics.
      type const& var() const
        return _var;
      void var (type var_)
        _var = std::move (var_);
      //! \note Prefer const where possible. If you need to copy, 
      //! just take a `T`. Otherwise prefer taking a `T const&`.
      //! Don't bother when it comes to tiny types.
      baz_type count_some_numbers ( std::size_t begin
                                   , std::size_t end
                                   ) const
        bazs_type bazs;
        //! \note Prefer construction over assignment. Prefer
        //! preincrement.
        for (size_t it (begin); it != end; ++it)
          bazs.emplace_back (it);
        //! \note Prefer STL algorithms over hand written code.
        assert (!bazs.empty());
        auto const smallest
          (std::min_element (bazs.begin(), bazs.end()));
        return *smallest;

      //! \note Member variables are prefixed with an underscore.
      type _var;
      //! \note Typedef when using complex types. Fully qualify
      //! types.
      using baz_type = type_2;
      using bazs_type = std::vector<baz_type>;
      bazs_type _bazs;