
Dataflow task simulation with combination of CDC formation and streaming data read/writes

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Streaming Task Tutorial


Analytics department would like to see distribution of customer registration operations by store in real time. Target is to see how many customer being registered from a store in time windows of ... minutes of intervals.

To simulate solution for above requirement, In this tutorial a data flow set up to simulate CDC on a RDBMS database (MYSQL). Afterwards, Data filtered by CDC log timestamps then written into a KAFKA topic to be an available stream source for downstream systems.

Finally, stream data read by Spark Structured Streaming read methods from Kafka Topic`s related topic offset and aggregate functions applied to find result of simple analytical query required above.

With combination of 3 structure mentioned above a seamless, non-interrupted data read-write operations executed as long as new data inserted into RDBMS database.

Schema of RDBMS source tables (MYSQL)

According to our scenario, customer data first being saved to that database.

2 tables used from sakila database of sample mysql db. Customers and address tables used. Since there is a FK constraints between 2 tables Method designed to be able to make ingestion aligned with that fact.

Details regarding to created python method for data ingestion can be found on .py file (https://github.com/Giray18/data_analysis_tool/blob/main/src/mysql_analyzer/mysql_pandas.py) class mysql_profiler fake_record_creator_sakila method.

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Flow Diagram

Below flow diagram illustrates what has done over as a summary.

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As defined on flow diagram, data ingestion is done by using a method that creates fake data by faker package and ingests into MYSQL tables. As soon as tables populated with INSERT data to customers table a TRIGGER runs to log details into a CDC TABLE (users_change_events). Every time 20 fake customer data being inserted. Timestamp of latest log also being saved into table named as latest_cdc_timestamp to use in kafka ingestion phase for comparing latest ingestion time between users_change_events table and latest_cdc_timestamp table.

If timestamp on latest_cdc_timestamp is older than users_change_events table then Kafka producer module produce data to defined Kafka topic.

Later on data on kafka topic being read by Spark Structured read module`s readstream method. After applying some modifications on data window functions applied to calculate count of customer registiration by store id.

Source code can be found on notebook (https://github.com/Giray18/spark_stream_job/blob/main/notebooks/cdc_kafka_spark.ipynb)

Final dataframe screenshot can be seen below

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As defined, to initiate data flow explained above only running notebook located on (https://github.com/Giray18/spark_stream_job/blob/main/notebooks/cdc_kafka_spark.ipynb) will be enough

Elements of Repository

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Folder holding drawings used on ReadME

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Folder holding jupyter notebooks used on development