
One of the following is enough to run the implementation:

  • Java 1.8 or higher + Maven
  • Docker

What to do

We want to write a Morse decoder. You need to have in mind:

  1. Letters are split by one space.
  2. Words are split by three spaces.
  3. Use this coding-table to convert letters in morse to the Latin-script alphabet:
.-     => a
-...   => b
-.-.   => c
-..    => d
.      => e
..-.   => f
--.    => g
....   => h
..     => i
.---   => j
-.-    => k
.-..   => l
--     => m
-.     => n
---    => o
.--.   => p
--.-   => q
.-.    => r
...    => s
-      => t
..-    => u
...-   => v
.--    => w
-..-   => x
-.--   => y
--..   => z
.----  => 1
..---  => 2
...--  => 3
....-  => 4
.....  => 5
-....  => 6
--...  => 7
---..  => 8
----.  => 9
-----  => 0

Where to put your solution

  • Don't modify any file in the project. Any pull request that changes any of the existing files will be disqualified.
  • Add your solution to a new file in the package (src/main/java/com/onebeyond/kata2022/solutions/ folder)
    • Name of the file: (substitute YourTeamName by your team's name).
    • This class should implement the MorseDecoder interface.
    • You need to override the decodeMisteryMessage method providing your team's implementation of the Morse Decoder.


The goal is to create the fastest solution. Don't waste time creating a nice implementation. This is probably not how you would code in a real project, since there probably are other requirements, like mantainability and readibility. Just try to create the fastes implementation you can.

Winner determination

We'll decode the example morse message .-- .... .- - .... .- - .... --. --- -.. .-- .-. --- ..- --. .... - 1000 times with every implementation. The fastest correct one will win.

How to run

From your IDE

Just run the com.onebeyond.kata2022.Kata2022 class

How to build and run with Java

mvn clean package
java -jar -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.defaultLogLevel=error target/kata-one-beyond-2022-java-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

How to build and run with Docker

docker build -t YOUR_NAME/kata-java:latest
docker run YOUR_NAME/kata-java:latest