To create a backend for login and signup rest api with security/web tokens for the service by using H2 database.
- Spring boot
- Spring security
- Spring Data JPA
- Database
- You need to clone this repo and install intellj community edition and data base.
- run this project it willl work.
you need to install intellj and h2 database software.
Open using this website to set your spring boot application/ project (Spring jpa,h2 database,springWeb,spring security).
open that spring boot application into intellj and download all the maven dependences/plugins.
- you need to create a packages and classes with interfaces that are:-
Repo(Repositories) is used to create for to cheching your email and password credentials.
CONFIG for security
DTO it is data transfer object it will transfer the data in to database and checking your details.
ENTITY it will created for database
RESPONSE created login response.
SERVICE created for it will perform based on your action like if you given valid / invalid credentials, it shows success or fail.
for data base you need to open h2 database and connect it into spring boot application properties.