- Subject: Machine Learning
- Due Date: Week 19 (February 22nd, 2024)
- Contribution to Overall Course Mark: 40%
- Develop a machine learning system from scratch.
- Categorize one of the UCI digit tasks using the Optical Recognition of Handwritten Digits Data Set.
- Use converted data sets: cw2 data set 1 and cw2 data set 2.
- Perform a two-fold test and report the results.
- Code should be written in Java.
- Must run in Eclipse.
- If using existing algorithms, reference them in both the code and the report.
- Report (20 Points)
- Running Code (20 Points)
- Quality of Code (20 Points)
- Quality of Algorithm (20 Points)
- Quality of Results (20 Points)
- Length: 1-2 pages.
- Include a description of the chosen algorithm and the rationale behind this choice.
- Show results of the two-fold test.
- Discuss data usage briefly.
- Ensure the code is well-commented and structured.
- A balance between simple and complex algorithms is crucial.
- Aim for surpassing the baseline performance reported on the UCI website.
- Starting with a nearest neighbour algorithm using Euclidean distance is suggested.
- Submit code, a mark sheet, and analysis to the coursework folder of CST 3170 on myunihub.
- Optionally, email a copy to the tutor.
- This is not a competition; discussing with colleagues can be beneficial.
- The baseline for passing includes implementing a nearest neighbour algorithm with Euclidean distance.
- SVM: https://scikit-learn.org/stable/auto_examples/classification/plot_digits_classification.html
- https://www.kaggle.com/code/jnikhilsai/digit-classification-using-svm-on-mnist-dataset/notebook
- The primary objective of SVM is to find a hyperplane that maximally separates the different classes in the dataset.
- The "weight(w)" vector determines the orientation of the hyperplane, while the "bias(b)" term determines the offset of the hyperplane from the origin.
- K(x,x') = exp(-gamma||x-x'||^2)
- Gamma is a hyperparameter that determines the spread of the Gaussian around the support vectors.
- A small gamma value will result in a large variance and a small bias, while a large gamma value will result in a small variance and a large bias.
- The gamma parameter can be thought of as the inverse of the radius of influence of samples selected by the model as support vectors.
- Recommended: 0.5
- C is the regularization parameter, which controls the trade-off between achieving a low training error and a low testing error that is the ability to generalize your classifier to unseen data.
- A large C value will result in a small margin and a small number of support vectors, while a small C value will result in a large margin and a large number of support vectors.
- Recommended: 0.01
- Optimizer:
- Max_Itterations: 100000
- Kernel: linear
- C: 0.5
- epsilon: 0.0001
- weightThreshold: 0.0001
- bias: 0.0
- alpha: 0.00001
- gamma: 0.001
- Max_Itterations: 100000000
- Kernel: linear
- C: 0.85
- epsilon: 0.00001
- weightThreshold: 0.00001
- bias: 0
- alpha: 0.000001
- gamma: 0.5
int numClasses = 10; // for digits 0-9
int MAX_ITERATIONS = 100000000;
String kernelType = "linear";
double C = 0.85;
double epsilon = 0.00001;
double weightThreshold = 0.00001;
double bias = 0;
double alpha = 0.000001;
double gamma = 0.5;
Accuracy: 95.62277580071175%