
A Kotlin implementation of the Mars Rover's Kata.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Mars Rover's kata in Kotlin

A Kotlin implementation of the Mars Rover's Kata.

Kata Description

Main features

  • Display the Mars Rover's movements on a grid
  • The Mars rover can receive four different commands:
    • Move Forward
    • Move Backward
    • Rotate Right
    • Rotate Left
  • The grid is squared and its size is configurable
  • The grid may contains rocks
  • If the rover encounters a rock while performing a move, it should notify Houston and stop.

Mars rover to Houston : Mission aborted STOP. Rocks on the route STOP. Houston Do you copy ? OVER.

Additional features

  • Generate random maps (random rocks coordinates, random rover initial coordinates)
  • Set a random target on the map
  • If the rover reaches the target, it should notify Houston and stop.

Mars rover to Houston : Mission achieved OVER. Houston to Mars rover : Well played Mars Rover STOP. Congratulations OVER AND OUT.")

  • Given the rover initial coordinates, rocks coordinates and target coordinates, compute its route (see GIF above)


  • I tried to rely on functions rather than classes
    • I am just starting to look into functionnal programming so the result might not be very conclusive !
  • The computeRoute algorithm is not really clever (it does not always find a path and when it does it does not necessarily find the shortest path). It has been developed empirically just for fun :)
    • It is property-based tested
  • It tried to use some currying (might not be very conclusive either !)