
Fortnite API Wrapper developed using JavaScript (Node.JS). Uses the https://fortnite.y3n.co/ API.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This API wrapper was developed for developers to help simplify retrieving Fortnite user statistics. This wrapper is easy to install, as well as easy to use.

Installing The Wrapper

Installing the wrapper is easy; just install it as a zip file and then place the extracted folder into your code repository/folder. The require line of code.

Before-Hand Requirements

Before using this wrapper, it is required that all three of these node-modules are both called and installed; the url, http, as well as the request modules are required (the request module is the only one that requires an npm install.)

Using The Wrapper To Find Statistics

Once again, this wrapper was developed to be simple to use, so getting it working should not be too much of a hassle. After making sure that all required node-modules are installed, we can call the wrapper and also use it's features.

/* This is the file that will use the wrapper. The 'statistics' folder of 
the wrapper should be in the same directory as this code file!

var fortnite = require("./statistics/fortnite.js");

/* This line of code logs the number of kills of a player depending
on the gamemode, platform etc. PC is the only supported platform 
(as of 3/14/2018.) Since this wrapper uses the API from 
https://fortnite.y3n.co/, you must get an API-Key from their bot.

fortnite.printKills("API-Key", "solo", "pc", "Gisgar3");

// Console Output --> 'Gisgar3 Total Kills (Solo): 122'

List Of Commands

printKills: Print the number of kills.
printMatches: Print the number of played matches.
printLastMatch: Print the date of last match played.
printTotalPlaytime: Print total playtime.
printWins: Print the number of wins.
printTop10: Print the number of 'Top 10' placements.
printTop25: Print the number of 'Top 25' placements.
printDeaths: Print the number of deaths.
printScore: Print total player score.
printWinRate: Print win rate.


This API-Wrapper uses the API from https://fortnite.y3n.co/; you will need to retrieve an API key from them (you can Direct Message their Discord bot for an instant key.)