Here you will find a list of different tooling libraries.

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Table of Contents

Web Development




State Management


Dev Tools

Web Development

  • Toolchain for building applications from independent components. Instead of building an application that consists of lots of components, Bit builds lots of components that are composed to build many different applications.

  • Chrome Dev Tools Web developer tools built into the Chrome browser.

  • Nx Framework to help architect, test, and build web applications. Especially helpful for organizing monorepos.

  • Storybook An open source tool for building UI components and pages in isolation. It streamlines UI development, testing, and documentation.


  • HTTPie Friendly tool for consuming APIs (and make HTTP requests in general) through CLI.

  • Postman Platform for building and using APIs.

  • SoapUI Testing tools for APIs


  • axe: axe is a digital accessibility toolkit providing efficient accessibility testing and coverage for your testing needs. It is based off the popular accessibility testing library axe-core and is also available as a Chrome Extension. axe is a digital accessibility toolkit providing efficient accessibility testing and coverage for your testing needs. It is based off the popular accessibility testing library axe-core and is also available as a Chrome Extension.


  • Datadog Monitoring and security platform for cloud applications.

  • BurpSuite Web vulnerability scanner for automated testing, mapping, analysis, and security.

State Management

  • MobX State management library utilizing functional reactive programming.

  • Redux Library for implementing centralized state management for JavaScript apps.

  • XState Use finite state machines in JavaScript/TypeScript. Finite state machines can make state management more explicit and less of an ad hoc mess.

Web Testing

  • Selenium Browser automation software that allows programmatic sequences of clicks, scrolls, and typing on specific elements for testing websites.

  • Puppeteer Node library for controlling Chrome for UI testing.

  • LambdaTest Run UI tests in the cloud across different browsers on real devices. Automated selenium testing for automated cross-browser testing. Offers a lifetime free plan.

  • Jest Unit test framework for javascript that runs so fast, you can run them all every time the file is saved.


  • Madge Madge is a developer tool for generating a visual graph of your module dependencies, finding circular dependencies, and give you other useful info. Joel Kemp's awesome dependency-tree is used for extracting the dependency tree.

  • Small Dev Tools Website with a variety of small, helpful tools. Examples include quick URL encoding/decoding, code formatters, lorem ipsum generation, and a markdown editor.

  • StackEdit Browser-based markdown editor.

  • Tiny Helpers A collection of free single-purpose online tools for web developers... Examples include tools for CSS, Color, SVG, Accessibility, Performmance, Icons and many more.

  • markdownlint Visual Studio Code extension for markdown that will lint and style check it. For example, rule MD041 suggests that markdown files start with top-level headings. A list of problems is generated on save, and it offers guidance and automatic fixes. Turn off the rules you disagree with or write your own.