otrtool aims to provide an open source tool to deal with otrkey-files from onlinetvrecorder.com. It can decrypt them using keys it fetches from OTR's servers while authenticating with user-supplied login credentials. == DEPENDENCIES == * libcurl / curl for the server request == BUILDING == * execute `make` (or `gmake` where GNU Make is not the default) * Copy the following files to the places they belong: ./otrtool the main binary ./otrtool.1.gz the gzip'ed manpage ./LICENSE the (rights waiver) license * `make install` will install the binary and the manpage under /usr/local. Use `make install PREFIX=...` to install elsewhere. * If you didn't install libcurl in the usual place, specify where the headers and libraries are: `CFLAGS="-I/path/to/include" LDFLAGS="-L/path/to/lib" make` == PORTABILITY == * otrtool is developed and tested primarily under GNU/Linux. If it turns out not to be portable to your unix-like operating system of choice, please file a bug report. * The Makefile is not portable and relies on GNU Make features. == LINKS == project homepage: http://otrtool.github.io/otrtool/ github repository: http://github.com/otrtool/otrtool bug tracker: http://github.com/otrtool/otrtool/issues lem's tk/perl GUI: http://github.com/Lem/otrtool-gui == CONTACT == E-Mail: eshrdlu/AT/yandex/DOT/com (de, en) == REPORTING BUGS == For bug reports please do NOT run otrtool with the "-v"-option because it outputs personal data like your email/password, and/or hashes of them. == VERSION NUMBERS == The version numbers follow the scheme major.minor.bugfixes. This means that as long as /bugfixes/ increases the software gets more stable. /Major/ is only incremented on great architectural changes. == HISTORY == In April, 2010, eddy14 reverse-engineered the otrkey-file-format and OTRs Client-Server-protocol. The blog post describing his work (German): original URL (dead link): http://41yd.de/blog/2010/04/18/otrkey-breaker/ mirror: http://pyropeter.eu/41yd.de/blog/2010/04/18/otrkey-breaker/ He also wrote a proof-of-concept tool to decrypt OTRKEYs. PyroPeter rewrote it in C and without licensing issues. == LICENSE == otrtool uses the CC0 license. For the license text see the LICENSE file or http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/legalcode