Documenting 📝 on Github with Github Markdown 1

This repository was created to expand my knowledge of documenting and formating project notes in Github using Github Markdown and formating syntax.

Exercise 1 - Quoting code

To create codebloacks you need to use three backticks "`". Here are a list of reason why you should use codeblocks when documenting on Github

  • Using codeblocks allows for quick and easy search of your code.
  • It has syntax highlighting for east troubleshooting
  • It allows others to copy the code when researching issues.

Below is a simple python 🐍 code

print("Hello, World!")

Exercise 2 - Using links

You can create an inline link by wrapping link text in brackets [ ], and then wrapping the URL in parentheses ( )

Exercise 3 - Using images

You can display an image by adding ! and wrapping the alt text in [ ]. Alt text is a short text equivalent of the information in the image. Then, wrap the link for the image in parentheses (). Note: When you want to display an image that is in your repository, use relative links instead of absolute links.

Exercise 4 - Using Emoji (optional)

You can add emoji to your writing by typing :EMOJICODE:, a colon followed by the name of the emoji. Emoji's add more visualization to your document
