A project to parse, version control, and create GitHub repositories for British Library scanned documents.
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Pinned Repositories
Signa: opera in tre atti ... Traduzione ritmica di G. Mazzucato by ["A'BECKETT, Gilbert Arthur", 'and RUDALL (H. A.)', 'MAZZUCATO, Giovanni Andrea.', 'RUDALL, H. A.', 'Ouida', '1839-1908'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Journal of a Residence in China and the neighbouring countries from 1830 to 1833. With an introductory essay by the Hon. and Rev. Baptist Wriothesley Noel. by ABEEL, David. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country, in the years 1816 and 1817; containing an account of the most interesting transactions of Lord Amherst's Embassy to the Court of Pekin, etc. by ABEL, Clarke. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
History of Kent ... With original sketches and maps by ABELL, Henry Francis. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
A Short History of Kent for the young, etc by ABELL, Henry Francis. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Rápida descripción física, geológica y minera de la isla de Cebú, etc. by ABELLA Y CASARIEGO, Enrique. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Venetian Outlaw, a drama in three acts ... Translated and adapted to the English stage by R. W. Elliston by ['ELLISTON, Robert William.', 'Zschokke, Heinrich,', '1771-1848'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Around Tonkin and Siam by ["Orléans, Henri d'", 'Prince', '1867-1901'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Scripts to create git repositories for ALTO XML texts, like those from the British Library's scanned documents.
Git-Lib project web site
Git-Lit's Repositories
Scripts to create git repositories for ALTO XML texts, like those from the British Library's scanned documents.
De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volkenkunde ... Met platen en kaarten. (Volume 8) by WITKAMP, Pieter Harme. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
comic history of England ... With twenty coloured etchings, and two hundred woodcuts. By John Leech.] (Volume 2) by ["A'BECKETT, Gilbert Abbott.", 'LEECH, John', 'Artist'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Comic History of Rome ... Illustrated by John Leech.] by ["A'BECKETT, Gilbert Abbott.", 'LEECH, John', 'Artist'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Signa: opera in tre atti ... Traduzione ritmica di G. Mazzucato by ["A'BECKETT, Gilbert Arthur", 'and RUDALL (H. A.)', 'MAZZUCATO, Giovanni Andrea.', 'RUDALL, H. A.', 'Ouida', '1839-1908'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Journal of a Residence in China and the neighbouring countries from 1830 to 1833. With an introductory essay by the Hon. and Rev. Baptist Wriothesley Noel. by ABEEL, David. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Narrative of a Journey in the Interior of China, and of a voyage to and from that country, in the years 1816 and 1817; containing an account of the most interesting transactions of Lord Amherst's Embassy to the Court of Pekin, etc. by ABEL, Clarke. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
History of Kent ... With original sketches and maps by ABELL, Henry Francis. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
A Short History of Kent for the young, etc by ABELL, Henry Francis. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Rápida descripción física, geológica y minera de la isla de Cebú, etc. by ABELLA Y CASARIEGO, Enrique. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Venetian Outlaw, a drama in three acts ... Translated and adapted to the English stage by R. W. Elliston by ['ELLISTON, Robert William.', 'Zschokke, Heinrich,', '1771-1848'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Around Tonkin and Siam by ["Orléans, Henri d'", 'Prince', '1867-1901'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
A Gossip about Old Manchester. With illustrations. by [] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Walter Forbes. By A. A by ['A. A.', 'FORBES, Walter.'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
De Aardbol. Magazijn van hedendaagsche land- en volkenkunde ... Met platen en kaarten. (Volume 9) by WITKAMP, Pieter Harme. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Abelard to Eloisa: a poetic epistle. Newly attempted by ABAELARDUS, Petrus. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Abelard to Eloisa, Leonora to Tasso, Ovid to Julia, Spring, and other poems ... The fourth edition by ABAELARDUS, Petrus. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Cronache Savonesi dal 1500 al 1570 ... Accresciute di documenti inediti pubblicate e annotate dal dott. G. Assereto by ['ABATE, Giovanni Agostino.', 'ASSERETO, Giovanni.'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
See-Saw; a novel ... Edited by W. W. Reade (Volume 1) by ['ABATI, Francesco.', 'READE, William Winwood.'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
See-Saw; a novel ... Edited by W. W. Reade (Volume 2) by ['ABATI, Francesco.', 'READE, William Winwood.'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Казаки Донцы, Уральцы, Кубанцы, Терцы. Очерки изъ исторіи, etc by ABAZA, Konstantin Konstantinovich. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Report on the Kolar Gold Field and its southern extension by Bosworth-Smith, P. (Percy) is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Notes on Kairá, a district in fertile Gujarát by ['Yājñika, Jhaverīlāla Umiyāśaṅkara', '1835-1897'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
From Tonkin to India by ["Orléans, Henri d'", 'Prince', '1867-1901', 'Prince', "Orléans, Henri d'", '1867-1901'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
chutney lyrics by ['Caldwell, Robert C.', 'fl. 1871-1893'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Life in the Mofussil, or, The civilian in Lower Bengal (Volume 1) by ['Graham, George.', 'Graham, George'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Life in the Mofussil, or, The civilian in Lower Bengal (Volume 2) by ['Graham, George.', 'Graham, George'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
narrative of the loss of the Winterton East Indiaman, wrecked on the coast of Madagascar in 1792; and of the sufferings connected with that event by Buchan, George. is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
brief historical sketch. Of the Bheel tribes, inhabiting the province of Khandesh by ['Graham, D. C. (Douglas Cunninghame)', 'd. 1856'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.
Lizzie Leigh and other tales (Volume 1) by ['Gaskell, Elizabeth Cleghorn', '1810-1865'] is a British Library book, now on GitHub.