
MondoDB/Mongoose Scraper

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hacker News Scraper


Heroku link

Homework Assignment for UT Coding Bootcamp - Austin

In this assignment, I've built a web scraper that captures the headlines from Hacker News and populates the DOM. The user can click on the link and save the article, attached a note, unsave the artcile and delete the note.

  • This is a scraper using MongoDB, Mongoose, Express, Handlebars, and Cheerio.
  • Will follow the MVC design pattern.

Description of App

  • Single Page app that will the user can request the latest headlines from Hacker News with a click.
  • The DOM will then be populated with the most recent 20 headlines.
  • The user can click on the headline and save the article with a click
  • The user can then click to add a note regarding the article.
  • All notes should be saved per the article so the user can come back to article at anytime.
  • The user can unsave articles and delete the notes if they wish.

Built With

  • HTML
  • Javascript
  • Express.js
  • Handeblars
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Cheerio

Node Packages

  • Express
  • Express-Handlebars
  • Body-parser
  • Mongoose
  • Cheerio
  • Request

API Reference

  • None


  • Darren Smith


  • None


  • None