Hot Restaurant Application


Homework Assignment for UT Coding Bootcamp - Austin

  • This is a restaurant booking application that allows for temporary data storage using Express.js
  • Built on javascript using a variety of JS tools to power booking and waitlist functionality.
  • In class assignment that I've gone back and recoded on my own using provided reference guides.

Description of App

  • Home Page gives the user the opportunity to Make Reservation, see current reservations as well as the waiting list
  • Clicking on Make Reservation will provide a form in bootstrap that the user can complete.
  • If there are less than 5 current table reservations, then that reservation is added to the reservation list.
  • If there are more than 5 current table reservations, then that reservation is added to the waitlist.
  • The user can click on View Tables to see the current list of reservations and waitlists.
  • At the bottom of the app, there are three links.
    • First link is to Clear Table which will empty out the arrays and basically reset the reservation list.
    • The second link is to the API Table Link which shows the raw data objects for the table array.
    • The third link is to the API Wait List which shows the raw data objects for the Waitlist Array.

Built With

  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Bootstrap

Node Packages

  • Express
  • Path

API Reference

  • None


  • Darren Smith


  • None


  • Built using references and html code from UT Coding Bootcamp.