
Phantom OMNI facilitated haptics feedback and remote control of a Baxter or Sawyer research robot

Primary LanguagePython

Geomagic Touch Mediated Haptic Interface


The Telehaptics Ros Python package allows users to drive the right arm of a Baxter or Sawyer research robot using the stylus of a Geomagic Touch (formerly the Phantom Omni). If external force is applied to the end effector, the Geomagic Touch will remotely generate the same forces on the user's hand - creating a closed-loop biofeedback interface.

Table of Contents

PS3 Node Network
Geomagic Touch Node Network
Launch Files
PS3 Controls
Set-up Instructions
Current Status

PS3 Node Network

This node generates target poses using the position values published by joy_node. As a safety precaution, it also ensures that Baxter will not move unless the L1 trigger on a PS3 console is held down.

This node finds and uses the body Jacobian and twists of Baxter's right arm to compute the angular velocities needed to move Baxter's right arm from its current pose to a target pose. It employs the naive damped least-squares method to eliminate jerky movements near singularities.

(Sawyer equivalent: sawyer_velocity_control.py)

This node closes Baxter's right gripper when the R1 trigger on a PS3 console is held down.

(Sawyer equivalent: sawyer_gripper_control.py)

Geomagic Touch Node Network

This node generates target poses by scaling and mapping the transform between the Touch's stylus frame and its base frame. A subscriber to omni1_joint_states also associates rotations about the x-axis of the stylus frame to rotations about the z-axis of the target frame.

The velocity control script used to control Baxter via the Touch is the same as that which was used to control the robot via the PS3 controller.

This node closes Baxter's right gripper when the white button on the Touch's stylus is held down.

Launch Files

simstate.launch : starts up a basic rviz simulation of Baxter which displays individual joint angles that can be manipulated using slider bars

basicsys.launch : starts up a basic velocity controller which tells Baxter to move to hardcoded poses

joysys.launch : starts up the PS3 Baxter controller demo

sawyer_joysys.launch : starts up the PS3 Sawyer controller demo

omnisys.launch : starts up the Touch Baxter controller demo

PS3 Controls


L1 button : Hold down to enable robot movement
R1 button : Hold down to close robot end-effector

Left stick (L/R) : Horizontal movement along the Y-axis
Left stick (U/D) : Vertical movement along the Z-axis
Right stick (U/D) : Horizontal movement towards or away from user along the X-axis
Right stick (L/R) : Rotates the gripper clockwise or counterclockwise

Set-up Instructions

After cloning baxter_telehaptics into a catkin workspace, please install the following auxiliary packages:

  • joy
  • hrl-kdl
  • sawyer_robot
  • baxter_interface

Current Status

  • PS3 Controller UI - done
  • Velocity controller - done
  • Geomagic Touch UI - done
  • Force feedback node - WIP