
Internal server for GitFiend

Primary LanguageRust

GitFiend Core

This is the internal server process GitFiend uses to query repo data and run git commands.

Run server

cargo run

Generate typescript types

cargo test

Release build

cargo build --release

Building static for linux

Default release build on linux doesn't work on CentOS 7.9 due to missing glibc (GitFiend/Support#132).

Steps taken from https://blog.davidvassallo.me/2021/06/10/lessons-learned-building-statically-linked-rust-binaries-openssl/

### Compile static binary using rust

# 1. Update rustup
rustup update

# 2. Add some MUSL dependencies
sudo apt-get install pkg-config musl-tools

# 3. Add the Linux MUSL toolchain
rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl

cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-musl --release