Baladity (Symfony Project)

Baladity: Empowering Smart Municipalities

Baladity is an innovative project dedicated to revolutionizing municipal governance through the integration of cutting-edge technology solutions. With a focus on creating smarter, more efficient municipalities, Baladity aims to enhance the lives of residents and promote sustainable development.

Key Features:

  • Smart Solutions: Baladity offers a range of intelligent infrastructure and digital services tailored to the unique needs of municipalities. From data analytics platforms to citizen engagement tools, our solutions are designed to optimize resource management and improve service delivery.

  • Community Engagement: We prioritize citizen participation and collaboration, fostering meaningful interactions between residents, businesses, and government agencies. Through digital platforms and interactive initiatives, Baladity empowers communities to co-create solutions that address local challenges.

  • Data Analytics: Our advanced analytics tools provide municipalities with valuable insights to support informed decision-making and strategic planning. By harnessing the power of data, Baladity helps municipalities optimize operations, identify trends, and measure the impact of policies and initiatives.

  • Sustainability: Baladity advocates for environmentally sustainable practices, supporting municipalities in their efforts to reduce carbon emissions, conserve resources, and promote eco-friendly initiatives. Through innovative solutions and strategic partnerships, we strive to create resilient communities that thrive in the face of environmental challenges.

Get Involved:

  • Contributing: We welcome contributions from developers, designers, and domain experts who share our vision for smarter, more sustainable municipalities. Whether you're interested in coding, design, testing, or documentation, there are many ways to get involved in the Baladity project.

  • Feedback: We value feedback from users, stakeholders, and community members. If you have suggestions, ideas, or feature requests, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Your input helps us continuously improve and evolve the Baladity platform.

  • Partnerships: Baladity is always open to collaboration with government agencies, non-profit organizations, and technology partners. If you're interested in partnering with us to support smart municipality initiatives, please contact our team to explore potential opportunities.



composer install
npm install
npm run build



# Create the database
symfony console doctrine:database:create baladity
# Create the tables
symfony console make:migration
# Execute the migration
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Start the server

symfony serve