Random Symfony Quiz App

This is a simple Symfony 5 application that allows users to take a quiz and get a score at the end.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Duplicate the local.env file and rename it to .env
  3. Replace the DATABASE_URL value with your database credentials
  4. Replace the MAILER_DSN value with your mailer credentials
  5. Replace the TWILIO_DSN value with your Twilio credentials
  6. Run composer install
  7. Run symfony console doctrine:database:create (remove the existed database or rename it)
  8. Run symfony console make:migration
  9. Run symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
  10. Run npm install
  11. Run npm run build
  12. Run symfony serve
  13. Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser
  14. Enjoy!