Code Innovation Series 🎉 for GitHub Campus Program 🇮🇳

📣 Update (February 2023 Hackathon Winners)

Project Members Live Site URL
Chat App @Ojerinde @omobolajisonde @shittusaheed01 https://ojerinde.github.io/Hackathon


Code Innovation Series 🎉

Code Innovation Series is an open source focussed student developer skilling program in GitHub Campus Schools 🇮🇳

Workshop 💻

  • Schedule: 25th Feb, 2023
  • Topics covered: Open Source Fundamentals, Getting started with Git & GitHub, GitHub Actions, Building simple applications using Student Developer Pack.

Join the hackathon 🚀

  • Schedule: 26th Feb, 2023 to 1st Mar, 2023

Theme: Build creative hacks that empower you do to more using GitHub Student Developer Pack tools.

  1. Build a project on GitHub
  2. Use Student Developer Pack Tools
  3. Submit your project here

Swags 🎁

GitHub Team will review the hackathon project submissions and ship exclusive swag packs to the best ones.


  • We've setup issue form for you all to submit your hackathon projects
  • All communications, reviews and tracking to project submissions will be done via GitHub Issues 👀
  • Submissions must use tools from the GitHub Student Developer Pack and be hosted in a public GitHub repository. If we can't access the GitHub repository where your code lives, we won't be able to evaluate your submissions.