
Management and Integration with your Kubernetes dev environment more efficient.

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KT Connect

Management and Integration with your Kubernetes dev environment more efficient.



  • Connect: Direct access remote Kubernetes cluster: KT Connect use sshuttle as the vpn tool to access remote Kubernetes cluster network.
  • Exchange: Developer can exchange the workload to redirect the request to local app.
  • Mesh: You can create a mesh version in local host and redirect to your local
  • Dashboard: A Dashboard view you can know how the environemnt is use.


You can download and install the ktctl from Downloads And Install

Deploy a service in Kubernetes

$ kubectl run tomcat --image=tomcat:7 --expose --port=8080
kubectl run --generator=deployment/apps.v1 is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 or kubectl create instead.
service/tomcat created
deployment.apps/tomcat created

# Deployment info
$ kubectl get deployments -o wide --selector run=tomcat
tomcat   1         1         1            1           12m   tomcat       tomcat:7   run=tomcat

# Pods info
$ kubectl get pods -o wide --selector run=tomcat
NAME                     READY   STATUS        RESTARTS   AGE   IP             NODE                                NOMINATED NODE
tomcat-cc7648444-r9tw4   1/1     Running       0          2m   cn-beijing.i-2ze11lz4lijf1pmecnwp   <none>

# Service info
$ kubectl get svc tomcat
tomcat   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP   4m

Connect: Access Kubernetes resource from local

$ sudo ktctl connect
2019/06/19 11:11:07 Deploying proxy deployment kt-connect-daemon in namespace default
2019/06/19 11:11:07 Pod status is Pending
2019/06/19 11:11:09 Pod status is Running
2019/06/19 11:11:09 Success deploy proxy deployment kt-connect-daemon in namespace default
2019/06/19 11:11:18 KT proxy start successful

Access PodIP:


Access ClusterIP:

$ curl

Access Server internal DNS address

$ curl http://tomcat.default.svc.cluster.local:8080

Exchange: Access local from cluster

Create Tomcat 8 in local and expose 8080 port

docker run -itd -p 8080:8080 tomcat:8
$ ktctl exchange tomcat --expose 8080
2019/06/19 11:19:10  * tomcat (0 replicas)
2019/06/19 11:19:10 Scale deployment tomcat to zero
2019/06/19 11:19:10 Deploying proxy deployment tomcat-kt-oxpjf in namespace default
2019/06/19 11:19:10 Pod status is Pending
2019/06/19 11:19:12 Pod status is Running
2019/06/19 11:19:12 Success deploy proxy deployment tomcat-kt-oxpjf in namespace default
SSH Remote port-forward for POD starting
2019/06/19 11:19:14 ssh remote port-forward start at pid: 3567

Access local tomcat by internal service DNS address:

Note: if kubectl connect not running, you can only access from cluster

$ curl http://tomcat.default.svc.cluster.local:8080 | grep '<h1>'
<h1>Apache Tomcat/8.5.37</h1> #

Mesh: Build large test environemnt with ServiceMesh

You can know more from Mesh Best Practices

The most different from mesh and exchange is exchange will scale the origin workload replicas to zero. And messh will keep it and create a pod instance with random version, after this user can modifi the Istio route rule let the specific request redirect to local, and the environment is working as normal:

$ ktctl mesh tomcat --expose 8080
2019/06/19 22:10:23 'KT Connect' not runing, you can only access local app from cluster
2019/06/19 22:10:24 Deploying proxy deployment tomcat-kt-ybocr in namespace default
2019/06/19 22:10:24 Pod status is Pending
2019/06/19 22:10:26 Pod status is Pending
2019/06/19 22:10:28 Pod status is Running
2019/06/19 22:10:28 Success deploy proxy deployment tomcat-kt-ybocr in namespace default
2019/06/19 22:10:28 -----------------------------------------------------------
2019/06/19 22:10:28 |    Mesh Version 'ybocr' You can update Istio rule       |
2019/06/19 22:10:28 -----------------------------------------------------------
2019/06/19 22:10:30 exchange port forward to local start at pid: 53173
SSH Remote port-forward POD 22 to starting
2019/06/19 22:10:30 ssh remote port-forward exited
2019/06/19 22:10:32 ssh remote port-forward start at pid: 53174


Dashboard can help your know how your dev environemnt is used.


You can install KT Connect Dashboard As Follow Install Dashboard