The source code and results for the paper 'Fast Spatially-Regularized Correlation Filters for Visual Object Tracking'.

Primary LanguageC++


Matlab implementation of the SRCFNet based tracker.


Details about the trackers can be found in our PRICAI 2018 paper.
Pengyu Zhang, Qing Guo, Wei Feng.
Fast Spatially-regularization correlation filters for visual object tracking.
In PRICAI 2018.
Please cite the above publication if you use the code or compare with the SRCFNet based tracker in your work. Bibtex entry:

Title = {Fast Spatially-regularization correlation filters for visual object tracking},
Author = {Pengyu Zhang, Qing Guo, Wei Feng},
Booktitle = {PRICAI},
Year = {2018}

