Production Live Site
Clone this Repo
Get Setup
Navigate into your new site’s directory and install all dependencies.
cd blog-kinera yarn
Development Server
Navigate into your new site’s directory and use the following command to start the development server locally, once the dependencies have been installed.
cd blog-kinera yarn develop
Open the code and start customizing!
Your site is now running at http://localhost:8000! And your GraphiQL data layer is running at
Edit to see your site update in real-time!
Make sure to follow the following steps in order to troubleshoot any development issues:
: 14 (v14.19.3, use.nvmrc
: 2.26.1 Before installing new plugins (especially for gatsby), make sure which version of CLI is supported. -
Clear Cache (for runtime errors) use
yarn clean
if the server is stale or having issues reloading in your browser of choice.