
Free and open source Q&A software, open source stackoverflow style app written in ruby, rails, mongomapper and mongodb.

Primary LanguageRubyGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0

== Dependencies

- git >= 1.5
- ruby >= 1.9.2
- rubygems >= 1.3.7
- mongodb >= 1.7
- ruby on rails 3

== Install Dependencies

sudo gem install bundler

== Getting Started

1. Download the sources:

    git clone git://gitorious.org/shapado/shapado.git

    cd shapado/

2. Configure the application

    cp config/shapado.sample.yml config/shapado.yml
    cp config/mongoid.sample.yml config/mongoid.yml
    cp config/auth_providers.sample.yml config/auth_providers.yml

    edit shapado.yml and auth_providers.yml

    Go to https://rpm.newrelic.com/ and create an account, then:
    cp config/shapado.yml.sample config/newrelic.yml

    If you don't want to use newrelic, just comment it out in the Gemfile.

    Go to https://rpm.newrelic.com/ and create an account, then:
    cp config/shapado.yml.sample config/newrelic.yml

    If you don't want to use newrelic, just comment it out in the Gemfile.

3. Install dependencies

    bundle install

4. Load default data

    rake bootstrap RAILS_ENV=development

5. Add default subdomain to /etc/hosts, for example:

    " localhost.lan group1.localhost.lan group2.localhost.lan"

6. Start the server

    rails server -e development

7. When running shapado in production, you need to run:


== Postfix config

add the following text to /etc/aliases
    shapado: "|/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm 1.9.2 exec PATH/to/shapado/script/handle_email"

in /etc/postfix/main.cf
    default_privs = shapado

then type
    sudo newaliases

Follow us on:

* http://twitter.com/shapado

* http://identi.ca/shapado

* http://blog.ricodigo.com/shapado

Talk to us at:

* irc://irc.freenode.org/shapado

* http://shapado.com/chat

* contact \aT/ shapado d0t com

Report bugs at http://shapado.com and use the tags "bug" or "feature-request"

Happy hacking!