
Arduino library for communicating with Victron Energy devices via VE.BUS

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This library is used to work with an ESP32 Arduino (not for the AVR family as the library uses std::vector).

Built With

  • [Arduino IDE 2.3.2]
  • [Visual Studio 2022 and visual micro]


arduino-esp32 boardlibrary >= 2.0.8 for < 2.0.8 undefine UART_MODE_RS485 in the vebus.h file

//#define UART_MODE_RS485
#ifdef UART_MODE_RS485
#include "hal/uart_types.h"

Getting Started

This is a sample guide for setting up your project locally.


  • ESP32 Board
  • RS485 IC

The RS485 IC can be a MAX485 or max1348


For a simple start (PlugAndPlay) you can use an esp32 arduino board with integrated RS485 LILYGO T-CAN485


There are a few examples to get you started with the library

  • ReadWriteSettings This example is a minimized program for reading out some settings on a Multiplus-II 12/3000

  • VebusSniffer This example can be used to listen to all traffic on the VE.BUS.

  • ReadAllVariableInfos This example can be used to read all variable information. This is necessary to interpret the value sent by the VE.BUS device. If you have a device, it is not in the library. Send me the serial output to integrate the new device.

Function descriptions

Callback for received messages

void SetReceiveCallback(std::function<void(std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer)> cb);

To parse all received messages, the callback can be used as follows


void Receive(std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer)
    Serial.printf("Res: ");
    for (uint32_t j = 0; j < buffer.size(); j++) Serial.printf("%02X ", buffer[j]);

void setup()


If you don't want to see some messages, you can skip them using a blacklist or use the whitelist to see specific messages.

VEBus::Blacklist _blacklist[] = { {.value = 0xE4, .at = 4}, {.value = 0x55, .at = 4} };

void setup()
	_vEBus.SetReceiveCallback(Receive, _blacklist, sizeofarray(_blacklist));

Callback for response messages

void SetResponseCallback(std::function<void(ResponseData&)> cb);

To parse all response messages, the callback can be used as follows. data.id is specified by the query to indicate that it is the response of the read operation.


void Response(VEBus::ResponseData& data)
	if(requestId == data.id){}
	if(WinmonCommand == data.command && Settings == data.address){}
    //...to some stuff

void setup()

Write a value to Multiplus

uint8_t WriteViaID(RamVariables variable, int16_t rawValue, bool eeprom = false);
uint8_t WriteViaID(RamVariables variable, uint16_t rawValue, bool eeprom = false);
RequestResult WriteViaID(RamVariables variable, float value, bool eeprom = false);

uint8_t WriteViaID(Settings setting, int16_t rawValue, bool eeprom = false);
uint8_t WriteViaID(Settings setting, uint16_t rawValue, bool eeprom = false);
RequestResult WriteViaID(Settings setting, float value, bool eeprom = false);

To write a value, you have three ways to send it. You can store a value to a non-volatile memory. To do this you need to set the eeprom true


Be careful when repeatedly writing EEPROM (loop) EEPROM writes are limited

  • library supported device with value interpretations


void loop()
	if(dataToWrite == true)
		_vEBus.WriteViaID(Settings::IMainsLimit, 7.2); //set 7.2A
  • no library supported device with value interpretations


void setup()

void loop()
	if(dataToWrite == true)
		_vEBus.WriteViaID(Settings::IMainsLimit, 7.2); //set 7.2A
  • raw without value interpretations


void loop()
	if(dataToWrite == true)
		_vEBus.WriteViaID(Settings::IMainsLimit, 72); //set 7.2A

Read a value to Multiplus

uint8_t Read(RamVariables variable);
uint8_t Read(Settings setting);

To read a value


void loop()
	if(dataToRead == true)
		uint8_t requestId = _vEBus.Read(Settings::IMainsLimit);

Supported devices with value interpretations

  • Multiplus-II 12/3000

To do lists

  • add more integrated devices

Known issues

  • VENUS::Write() is currently not working. (Use VENUS::WriteViaID() instead)
  • extract more GX commands


This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later - see the LICENSE.md file for details
