
framework to use cpp as preprocessor for LSL scripts, with a working example included which is a reference implementation for two rfedip devices as described on https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Protocol/rfedip --- The repo has moved: git clone git://dawn.adminart.net/lsl-repo.git

Primary LanguageLSL

This repo has moved: git clone git://dawn.adminart.net/lsl-repo.git

Note on Debian (Wheezy):

Debian has perl as /usr/bin/perl.  You may need to adjust the perl
scripts in the bin/ directory.

Debian has an outdated version of astyle which will give error
messages that the input stream cannot be processed.  I uninstalled
Debians version, downloaded astyle 2.04 from
http://sourceforge.net/projects/astyle/ and, after compiling, copied
it to /usr/local/bin.

For documentation, please refer to
or the "wiki.txt" contained in this repository.

The wiki article is about tools you can use to make creating LSL
scripts easier.  It tries to explain how to combine and how to use
them for this very purpose.

The contents of this repository provide a build system and examples
for creating LSL scripts.

Reference implementations of rfedip devices are included.  Please see
https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Protocol/rfedip about this.

The sources in this repo may be more recent than the sources and
scripts in the wiki articles.  Files used by the build system, header
files, library files and files for emacs etc. will be kept up to
date.  You may want to watch this repo.

If you would like to contribute, it´s probably a good idea to fork
this repo and to make a poll request.