
🤖Simple BibTex generator using DOI

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

🚀 CLI BibTex Generator using DOI API 🖥️

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Disclaimer ⚠️

The doi.org API is quite unstable and can take up to 10 seconds to return a result.

At times it may appear inaccessible, just wait a few moment.


✔️ Compiler : Python 3.9

Pip install

pip install requests calendar pyperclip


This script directly retrieves the metadata of an article using the API of www.doi.org

Just start the script and paste the url when asked Once the script is finished, the text is copied directly into the clipboard

Output :

D:\>python -u main.py
Enter DOI Number Only URL
[INFO - 17/04/2021 19:00:22] : Wait for DOI Lookup
[INFO - 17/04/2021 19:00:23] : HTTP Status Code :200
[INFO - 17/04/2021 19:00:23] : BibTex copy to your clipboard
author={Lee, Sang-Won and Moon, Bongki and Park, Chanik and Kim, Jae-Myung and Kim, Sang-Woo},
title={A case for flash memory ssd in enterprise database applications},
howpublished={\url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1376616.1376723} },
note={ [En Ligne] - consulté le 17 avril 2021 }}