An android app storing multiple recurrant alarms with snooze feature structured using theMVVMsoftware design pattern.
- Ability to set a once off alarm
- Ability to set a recurring alarm on set days of the week
- Ability to disable and re-enable an alarm
- Ability to play a looped audio track for the alarm that is active
- Ability to play a vibration effect for the alarm that is active
- Ability to show a notification for the alarm this is active
- Ability to dismiss an alarm
- Ability to snooze an alarm
- Time Picker
- Alarm Manager
- Media Player
- Broadcast Receivers
- Services
- Notifications
- Vibrator
- Manifest and Permissions
- Calendar
- Intent, Pending Intent and Intent Extras
- MVVM Design Pattern
- LiveData, Observer and Repository
- Room Persistence Library from Jetpack
- RecyclerView
- Activities and Fragments
- Navigation Jetpack Architecture Component
- Scheduling An Alarm
- List of Scheduled Alarms
- The ringing alarm going off!