
API client and Jasmine matchers for the Firestore Rules API

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status

Node module to easily unit tests Firestore rules. It abstract the Firestore Rules testing API to easily mock a dataset.


$ yarn add expect-firestore


import assert from 'assert';
import * as firestore from 'expect-firestore';

const database = new firestore.Database({
    // Credentials from firebase console
    credential: { project_id: '...', ... },
    // Fake data to test assertions against
    data: {
        // See src/__tests__/fixtures/db.json for an example
        users: [
                key: 'userA',
                fields: {
                    name: 'John Doe'
                collections: {
                    favorites: [
    // Firestore rules
    rules: ''

// Authorize the client database
await database.authorize();

// Test a get
const result = await database.canGet({ uid: 'some_user' }, 'users/userA');



  • new firestore.Database({ data, credentials, rules }): Create a database instance to test rules

    const database = new firestore.Database({
        credentials: require('credential.json')
  • firestore.assert(test: TestResult): Throw a human readable error if test failed, otherwise do nothing

    const result = await database.canGet({}, 'users/userA');


  • database.authorize(): Promise<void>: Prepare the testing environment, it must be called at least once.

Run get, set, update and commit tests using:

  • database.canGet(auth: FirestoreAuth, document: string): Promise<TestResult>
  • database.cannotGet(auth: FirestoreAuth, document: string): Promise<TestResult>
  • database.canSet(auth: FirestoreAuth, document: string, value: any): Promise<TestResult>
  • database.cannotSet(auth: FirestoreAuth, document: string, value: any): Promise<TestResult>
  • database.canUpdate(auth: FirestoreAuth, document: string, values: Object): Promise<TestResult>
  • database.cannotUpdate(auth: FirestoreAuth, document: string, values: Object): Promise<TestResult>
  • database.canCommit(auth: FirestoreAuth, batch: BatchOperation[]): Promise<TestResult>
  • database.cannotCommit(auth: FirestoreAuth, batch: firestore.BatchOperation[]): Promise<TestResult>

Control test testing environment using:

  • database.setData(data: FirestoreCollections): Update the dataset
  • database.setRules(rules: string): Update the rules being tested
  • database.setRulesFromFile(file: string): Read the rules from a file


  • firestore.Batch.set(document: string, value: any): BatchOperation
  • firestore.Batch.update(document: string, values: Object): BatchOperation
  • firestore.Batch.delete(document: string): BatchOperation