
This is a website aimed at helping learn about the components of a computer, it was built for my computer studies class.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Computer Hardware Website

📸 Screenshots

image image image

🛠️ Setup

Prequesites for running the program:

  • PNPM
  • Node JS
  • Text editor (I will be using VS Code)
  1. Download or clone the source code
  2. Open it in a text editor such as VS Code
  3. From the built in terminal in VS Code use the cd command and go to the ComputerHardwareWebsite folder.
  4. Now run the command, pnpm run dev.
  5. This should give you a localhost link from which you can view the project.

📝 Usage

In order to use this website you can click on any of the boxes which will bring up a popup to show more information about the component (generated by Gemini) and then once you click on the learn more button you will be brought to a chatbox in case you have more questions.

🏗️ Tools used

The tools and libraries used to create this project are:

  • Next JS
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Shadcn
  • Gemini API
  • Vercel