The first thing that you need to have to run this program is composer.

You can download composersetup.exe in

The second is you need to download this project and open it in your command line (Window CMD)or(Linux Terminal)

After that you also need to go into the project folder path in your cmd.

And you should write "composer update" in your cmd.

Then you need to creat database by name which must equal to database name (Booking) in .env file.

Next, you must type the following command 1."php artisan config:clear" 2."php artisan cache:clear" 3."php artisan config:cache" 4."php artisan route:clear" 5."php artisan view:clear" 6."php artisan migrate --seed" 7."php artisan key:generate" 8."php artisan optimize:clear"

After all, the last command that you need to type is "php artisan serve".

Then you start running "localhost:8000" in your browser.

I made the given test account for each role.

For admin view user email= "" password ="aaaaaaaa"

For doctor view user email= "" password ="aaaaaaaa"

For customer view user email= "" password ="aaaaaaaa"