
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository contains a simple implementation of an offline chatroom.


  • git clone https://github.com/sakshi2912/Proximity.git

  • To start the server

    python3 server.py

    If the web socket is not occupied, the chat server is started and a passkey is generated, for the chat room it is hosting. ( This passkey is to be shared with the participants joining the chat. )

  • To start a client and connect to a chat room

    python3 client.py < chatroom's passkey >


  • Works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS
  • Can support group chats.
  • Anyone in the same network can start/join chatroom.
  • A client can exit and re-connect to a chat-room multiple times.
  • One server can host only one chat-room at a time.
  • When the server disconnects, all the participants wil be forced to exit.
  • Type 'exit' to leave the chat-room.
  • Needs a User Interface