Service worker sample offline form submission
Online demo available here:
A dummy demo by:
Before u try
Under sw.js
remove these from fileToCache:
How it works:
After form submission, data are stored in indexedDB
Check Chrome -> Application -> IndexedDB.form1
To understand the save method check the code under main.js -> storeData()
Note: we used indexedDB cause localStorage does not work with service-worker
Every 6 seconds we scheduled an event that check if there are new formData stored under indexedDB.form1, if so, push them to the server (with a fake console.log sw.js -> formDataIndexed.pushToServer()
Note: If u have problems try to "Unregister" the service worker or check "Update on reload"
Note: If you want to test locally create your self-signed certificate and run this command from terminal (used to --ignore-certificate-errors
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --user-data-dir=/tmp/foo --ignore-certificate-errors --unsafely-treat-insecure-origin-as-secure=https://sw.local