Hi I'm Luca

I'm a Software Engineer

Master's degree (cum laude) in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Bologna. I love designing and developing new ideas that are highly usable, useful, elegant and extensible.

Paradigms and Languages

  • Functional: Scala ❤️, Java lambdas
  • Object Oriented: Scala, Java, C#, Python
  • Concurrent: Actors and Agents base languages/frameworks. Go, Scala, Akka

Machine Learning

  • Python: Pandas, Numpy, SkLearn, Matplotlib
  • Frameworks: OpenCV, Keras, PyTorch, Spacy, NLTK
  • Computer Vision: Feature Extraction CNN Segmentation LSTM
  • Text Mining: Doc2Vec Transformers Bert Sentiment Analysis

IOT and Home Automations

  • MQTT: fantastic protocol used in all my domotic projects
  • Telegram Bots: integration of IOT and telegram api
  • Devices: sensors, actuators


LESS IS MORE especially in software development, so follow the KISS principle 😘

Technical Debt is around the corner

My GitHub Stats 💻