
You can draw the corresponding bounding box into the image and save it according to the result file (txt format) run by the tracker.Moreover, the author will update some of the problems in the pysot-toolkit toolkit from time to time.

Primary LanguagePython


The purpose of this repo is to provide evaluation API of Current Single Object Tracking Dataset, including


You need to download versions of all json files at the same time

git clone https://github.com/Giveupfree/SOTDrawRect.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd toolkit/utils/
python setup.py build_ext --inplace

If you already have a json file, you only need to download the version of the code.

git clone -b nojson https://github.com/Giveupfree/SOTDrawRect.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
cd toolkit/utils/
python setup.py build_ext --inplace

Update toolkit(optional)

The entire toolkit folder is from pysot-toolkit, but here's a fix for some of its problems

Download Dataset

Download json files used in our toolkit baidu pan or Google Drive

  1. Put CVRP13.json, OTB100.json, OTB50.json in OTB100 dataset directory (you need to copy Jogging to Jogging-1 and Jogging-2, and copy Skating2 to Skating2-1 and Skating2-2 or using softlink)

    The directory should have the below format

    | -- OTB100/

    ​ | -- Basketball

    ​ | ......

    ​ | -- Woman

    ​ | -- OTB100.json

    ​ | -- OTB50.json

    ​ | -- CVPR13.json

  2. Put all other jsons in the dataset directory like in step 1


Draw rectangular boxes

cd /path/to/SOTDrawRect
python draw_rect.py \                     
	--dataset_dir /path/to/dataset/root \		# dataset path
	--dataset VOT2018 \				# dataset name(VOT2019, VOT2018, VOT2016, OTB100, GOT10k, LaSOT, UAV123)
	--tracker_result_dir /path/to/tracker/dir \	# tracker dir
    	--format pdf \                                  # save fomat (pdf,png,jpg)
	--trackers ours ECO UPDT SiamRPNpp \ 		# tracker names 
    	--save_dir /path/to/save                        # save dir

Draw bounding boxes for a video sequence

cd /path/to/SOTDrawRect
python draw_rect.py \    
    	-- video videoname \                 
	--dataset_dir /path/to/dataset/root \		# dataset path
	--dataset VOT2018 \				# dataset name(VOT2019, VOT2018, VOT2016, OTB100, GOT10k, LaSOT, UAV123)
	--tracker_result_dir /path/to/tracker/dir \	# tracker dir
    	--format pdf \                                  # save fomat (pdf,png,jpg)
	--trackers ours ECO UPDT SiamRPNpp \ 	        # tracker names 
    	--save_dir /path/to/save                        # save dir

Evaluation on VOT2018(VOT2016, VOT2019)

cd /path/to/pysot-toolkit
python bin/eval.py \
	--dataset_dir /path/to/dataset/root \		# dataset path
	--dataset VOT2018 \				# dataset name(VOT2018, VOT2016, VOT2019)
	--tracker_result_dir /path/to/tracker/dir \	# tracker dir
	--trackers ECO UPDT SiamRPNpp 			# tracker names 
	--vis                                           # draw graph

# you will see
|Tracker Name| Accuracy | Robustness | Lost Number |  EAO  |
| SiamRPNpp  |  0.600   |   0.234    |    50.0     | 0.415 |
|    UPDT    |  0.536   |   0.184    |    39.2     | 0.378 |
|    ECO     |  0.484   |   0.276    |    59.0     | 0.280 |

Evaluation on OTB100(UAV123, NFS, LaSOT, LaSOText)

converted *.txt tracking results will be released soon

cd /path/to/pysot-toolkit
python bin/eval.py \
	--dataset_dir /path/to/dataset/root \		# dataset path
	--dataset OTB100 \				# dataset name(OTB100, UAV123, NFS, LaSOT, LaSOText)
	--tracker_result_dir /path/to/tracker/dir \	# tracker dir
	--trackers SiamRPN++ C-COT DaSiamRPN ECO  \	# tracker names 
	--num 4 \				  	# evaluation thread
	--show_video_level \ 	  			# wether to show video results
	--vis 					  	# draw graph

# you will see (Normalized Precision not used in OTB evaluation)
|Tracker name| Success | Norm Precision | Precision |
| SiamRPN++  |  0.696  |     0.000      |   0.914   |
|    ECO     |  0.691  |     0.000      |   0.910   |
|   C-COT    |  0.671  |     0.000      |   0.898   |
| DaSiamRPN  |  0.658  |     0.000      |   0.880   |

|    Tracker name     |      SiamRPN++      |      DaSiamRPN      |         ECO         |
|     Video name      | success | precision | success | precision | success | precision |
|     Basketball      |  0.423  |   0.555   |  0.677  |   0.865   |  0.653  |   0.800   |
|        Biker        |  0.728  |   0.932   |  0.319  |   0.448   |  0.506  |   0.832   |
|        Bird1        |  0.207  |   0.360   |  0.274  |   0.508   |  0.192  |   0.302   |
|        Bird2        |  0.629  |   0.742   |  0.604  |   0.697   |  0.775  |   0.882   |
|      BlurBody       |  0.823  |   0.879   |  0.759  |   0.767   |  0.713  |   0.894   |
|      BlurCar1       |  0.803  |   0.917   |  0.837  |   0.895   |  0.851  |   0.934   |
|      BlurCar2       |  0.864  |   0.926   |  0.794  |   0.872   |  0.883  |   0.931   |
|        Vase         |  0.564  |   0.698   |  0.554  |   0.742   |  0.544  |   0.752   |
|       Walking       |  0.761  |   0.956   |  0.745  |   0.932   |  0.709  |   0.955   |
|      Walking2       |  0.362  |   0.476   |  0.263  |   0.371   |  0.793  |   0.941   |
|        Woman        |  0.615  |   0.908   |  0.648  |   0.887   |  0.771  |   0.936   |

Evaluation on VOT2018-LT

cd /path/to/pysot-toolkit
python bin/eval.py \
	--dataset_dir /path/to/dataset/root \		# dataset path
	--dataset VOT2018-LT \				# dataset name
	--tracker_result_dir /path/to/tracker/dir \	# tracker dir
	--trackers SiamRPN++ MBMD DaSiam-LT \		# tracker names 
	--num 4 \				  	# evaluation thread
	--vis  					  	# wether to draw graph

# you will see
|Tracker Name| Precision | Recall |  F1   |
| SiamRPN++  |   0.649   | 0.610  | 0.629 |
|    MBMD    |   0.634   | 0.588  | 0.610 |
| DaSiam-LT  |   0.627   | 0.588  | 0.607 |
|    MMLT    |   0.574   | 0.521  | 0.546 |
|  FuCoLoT   |   0.538   | 0.432  | 0.479 |
|  SiamVGG   |   0.552   | 0.393  | 0.459 |
|   SiamFC   |   0.600   | 0.334  | 0.429 |

Update 2022.1.31

1.Add JSON file required for LaSOText evaluation.

2.Update the VOT2019.json tags list and corresponding values, and modify its the picture path list.

Update 2022.2.21

1.Fix the "RuntimeWarning: Mean of empty slice acc = np.nanmean(overlaps)" warning when pysot-toolkit runs eval.py to verify the VOT2019 Benchmark

warning 2022.3.16


Update 2022.3.17



warning 2022.3.17


Update 2022.3.23



Update 2022.4.02


Update 2022.06.09

1.根据OSTrack Tracker作者所提供的GOT10k结果所生成的GOT10k测试集的json文件“GOT-10k-test.json”,方便用户进行搜参操作。(搜参或测试时,记得将GOT-10k-test.json重命名为GOT-10k.json)。

2.新增“creat_got_json.py”文件,用于生成GOT-10k.json,其中raw results可从上got官网下载(http://got-10k.aitestunion.com/leaderboard) 。

3.新增"LaSOT.json/LaSOText.json" 文件生成方式


Update 2022.08.02

新增test_parallel.py脚本,该脚本将模型并行推理的最小线程单位设置为Video,即在一个数据集上的测试可以以多视频序列并行的方式来减少模型在数据集上总的测试的时间。 具体使用方法见文件内注释。

Update 2022.09.24


Update 2022.11.20



Update 2022.11.21


Update 2022.11.26


Update 2023.01.16


Update 2023.07.16
