
Ip Stack Api Call Wrapper

Primary LanguagePHP


Ip Stack Api Call Wrapper

Usage Exemples :

Basic Usage :

$Response = (new \Zmog\Libs\IpStacker\Request('<your_access_key>', '<ip_address>'))->Response();

$country_code = $Response->country_code(); /* Throw an exception if country_code is not present in response */
$country_code = $Response->country_code('US'); /* Use 'US' as default value if country_code is not present in response (no exception are thrown */

Advanced Usage :

$ip_a = [

$Request = new \Zmog\Libs\IpStacker\Request('<your_access_key>', ...$ip_a);
/* Or chained method
$Request = (new \Zmog\Libs\IpStacker\Request('<your_access_key>', ...$ip_a))->onlyLocation()->addCurrency();

/* Result of first ip : */
$is_eu_8dot = $Request->Response('')->location()->is_eu(false);
/* or 
$is_eu_8dot = $Request->Response()->location()->is_eu(false);

/* Result of second ip */ 
$is_eu_1dot = $Request->Response('')->location()->is_eu(false);