
simple lab to illustrate the basic instructions for git forking and git pull request

Primary LanguageJava


The first lab is on Oct 22, 2019, touching on dynamic programming problems. First, instructions:

  • git fork this repository to your own github account, then clone it from there
  • work on the java files in your preferred editor + compiler
  • your code should have variables namedInThisStyle (snakecase), it should be clearly written and understandable, and it should have relevant comments where necessary.
  • put your writeups + drawings to the problems in a file titled YourName_DP_Writeup.pdf in this same directory
  • from your account, select "Create a pull request" where the base is this account's (CS-Queens-College-Yao) repository.
  • created a pull request from your fork to this original version, and then submit it via the Google form