Dungeons and Dragons Fortune cookie generator 🐲🥠

Me and my DnD group have this tradition ; at the start of every session, we would crack open a fortune cookie for our characters. As time went on and pandemics became quite a thing, sessions shifted to be exclusively online, and we have to rely on a fortune cookie generator found on a random website. As it was not always very fitting, I decided to create our own generator, more DnD / tabletop RPG oriented !

But how does it work ? ⚙

Glad you asked ! Basically I wrote some JavaScript code that picks quotes at random from a dedicated file, that will grow over time with users submissions.

Can I use it for me and my friends ? 🙋‍♀️

Nothing would make me happier ! We love that tradition and would be super glad that other groups adopt it.

Can I suggest my own fortune messages ? 🤓

Please do ! I have create a google form for exactly that. You can find it here.

Can I see the full list of quotes ?

Sure ! The file from which I pull the quotes from is in docs/generator.js for the moment, and will be moved in a different file at a later date.

Something's off...

Let me know ! You have various ways to contact me on this page, just use the one that you prefer. If you want a quick answer, email or Twitter DM is generally the fastest !


Boyan, Jana owo, PN, Skeulz, Plume

Thanks for reading this far, see you soon !