
Simple tools to make the life of glacio-nerds a bit easier

GlacioHack 2020, first edition: GlacierUtils

In the meeting it was aknowledged that while their exists quite some tools to link, download, parse, reproject various datasets onto the RGI (or any other glacier inventory), they are scattered and sometimes undocumented (or lost into bigger projects like OGGM).

In this project, we will attempt to:

  • centralize these tools or at least document them
  • propose new glacier tools useful to the greater community
  • learn from others about "their" tools and maybe about programming and github on the go.

Visit the repo's issues for a list of ideas and add your own.

For those interested in participating, Fabien will do a short intro on the RGItools and OGGM-shop functionalities, after which you can decide if that's something you want to contribute to!

Eventually, some tools could be added to the established RGItools repository if there is interest.