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PHP Simple Features SQL

Build SFA-SQL (SQL/MM) expressions using SFA-CA syntax.

Note Currently this doc contains not only description of this package and documentation sketch, but plans and research as well. WIP. Unreleased.

Simple Features is a standard (multiple standards actually) by Open Geospatial Consortium defining models for geospatial data. The standard defines object oriented and SQL access (known as SFA-SQL, SQL/MM and ArcSDE among others) to these models. This package implements the object oriented SFA API in PHP and produces SFA-SQL expressions from it.

It can be used to build SQL statements for systems such as PostGIS, SpatiaLite, MySQL spatial and others implementing SFA-SQL or SQL-MM.

Feature examples

The objects in this lib allow chaining SFA to create SQL expressions:

$geometry = new Geometry('ST_MakePoint(?, ?)', [3, 5]);
$another = new Geometry("'LINESTRING ( 2 0, 0 2 )'::geometry");

$envelope = $geometry->envelope();

(string) $envelope; // ST_Envelope(ST_MakePoint(?, ?))
$envelope->bindings; // [3, 5]

$expression = $geometry

(string) $expression; // ST_ConvexHull(ST_Buffer(ST_Buffer(ST_Union(ST_MakePoint(?, ?), 'LINESTRING ( 2 0, 0 2 )'::geometry), ST_Distance(ST_MakePoint(?, ?), ST_MakePoint(1, 1))), ?))
$expression->bindings; // [3, 5, 3, 5, 5.2]

You can also specify columns:

$geom = new Geometry('the_geom');
$srid = $geom->srid();
(string) $srid; // ST_SRID(the_geom);

// alternate syntaxes to retrieve the SQL expression:
$srid->sql; // ST_SRID(the_geom);
$srid->__toString(); // ST_SRID(the_geom);

Raw expressions can be prevented from going to bindings by wrapping them in an Expression object:

$geom = new Geometry('geom');

// Works as expected
$bufferSize = new Expression('3 + 5');
$buf1 = $geom->buffer($bufferSize);
(string) $buf1; // ST_Buffer(geom, 3 + 5)

// Expressions can also have bindings
$dynamicBuffer = new Expression('bufpad + ?', [3]);
$buf2 = $geom->buffer($dynamicBuffer);
(string) $buf2; // ST_Buffer(geom, bufpad + ?)
$buf2->bindings; // [3]

Initiate objects using constructors

Sfc::pointFromText('POINT(-71.064544 42.28787)')->X();
// Produces ST_X(ST_PointFromText(?)) with binding 'POINT(-71.064544 42.28787)'

Use grammar-specific constructors and methods:

PostGIS\Sfc::makePoint(1, 3)->setSRID(3059);
// Produces ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(?, ?), ?) with bindings [1, 3, 3059]

SpatiaLite\Sfc::makePoint(1, 3)->setSRID(3059);
// Produces SetSRID(MakePoint(?, ?), ?) with bindings [1, 3, 3059]

Usage examples

This section presents some plain examples in plain PDO.

Query a relation between columns yard and road:

$yard = new Geometry('yard');
$road = new Geometry('road');

$expr = $yard->intersects($road);

$statement = $pdo->prepare("
	FROM features
	WHERE $expr


Query a column against a raw statement:

$box = Geometry::fromMethod('ST_MakeEnvelope', 0, 0, 1, 3);

// You may skip trivial `new Geometry('geom')` and just supply the column name
// or any other SQL string.
$contains = $box->contains('geom');
// produces ST_Contains(ST_MakeEnvelope(?, ?, ?, ?), geom)

$statement = $pdo->prepare("
	FROM features
		created_at > ? 
		AND $contains

// merge bindings with other bindings
$statement->execute([$createdFrom, ...$contains->bindings]);

Set a value:

$point = new Point('ST_MakePoint(?, ?)', [2, 7]);
// Equivalent to:
// $point = Point::fromMethod('ST_MakePoint', [2, 7]);

$statement = $pdo->prepare("
	UPDATE features
	SET location = $point
	WHERE id = ?

// merge bindings with other bindings
$statement->execute([...$point->bindings, $id]);

Scope and goals

The main goal is to support creation of PostGIS expressions which follows the ArcSDE implementation. If method names are different, we should have aliases to support PostGIS naming. If arguments are different, we should strive to support all cases.


  • All the SFA model
  • All the other SFA-SQL functions
  • Internal support for return and arg types (e.g. IntExpression, AreaExpression)
  • PostGIS specific stuff like constructors, additional args, geography stuff and so on
  • Testing support, including a SpatiaLite driver and ability to replace "drivers"
  • Laravel query builder and Eloquent (casts, setting, queries...) integration

Terminology and references

  • SFSimple Features, the geometries and the interface to interact with them.
  • SFA — Simple Feature Access, same thing as Simple Features.
  • OGC — Open Geospatial Consortium
  • SQL/MM — SQL multimedia schema defined by ISO/IEC 13249, including SQL/MM spatial defined in ISO/IEC 13249-3.
  • SFA-CA — Geometry model defined by OGC in SFA part 1
  • SFA-SQL — SQL schema for simple features defined by OGC in SFA part 2
  • ArcSDE — the thing in ArcGIS suite that communicates with a relational database. Some RDBMS treat it as a de facto standard and sometimes follows it over SFA (dropping SFA methods that ArcSDE is not using https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/changeset/8680) or SQL/MM (implemented for ArcSDE not SQL/MM https://postgis.net/docs/ST_OrderingEquals.html).

Our API mainly tries to support the OpenGIS SFA standard, but it might also include some common aliases from ArcSDE and others.

The supportable SQL is described in multiple standards and other resources:

Some might also be interested to see ISO 19125 (SFA), ISO/IEC 13249-3 (SQL/MM spatial) and ISO 19107 (spatial schema).

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