
S3 storage module for Ghost (updated for 0.5.7)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Ghost: S3 File Store module

AWS S3 file storage module for Ghost blogs.


  1. Copy the s3.js file to core/server/storage/
  2. Change storageChoice in core/server/storage/index.js:7 to s3
  3. Add aws-sdk to dependencies in your package.json


In your Ghost config.js file, under "development" and/or "production", add:

aws: {
    accessKeyId: 'your AWS access key id',
    secretAccessKey: 'your AWS secret access key',
    bucket: 'your bucket name',
    region: 'the AWS region your bucket is in; e.g.: eu-west-1',
    cloudfront: 'the cloufront domain; e.g.: djq7m1gww7pf8e' // Optional

The cloudfront key is optional and should only be filled is Cloudfront is being used as a content distribution network. Is the option is not present, the files will be served directly from S3.

Note: for enhanced security, it is recommended that you use environment variables instead of hard-coding the values in your config.js file.


Until Ghost has a plugin system in place, this will be the only way to use S3 storage for your Ghost blog. I will try to update this repository to support future versions of Ghost.