
Docker image for AWS SAM CLI

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Docker for AWS SAM CLI. You don't need to install anything or resolve any dependency issue in your laptop, just docker run it and it just works!

$ docker run -ti pahud/aws-sam-cli:latest sam --version                              
SAM CLI, version 0.43.0

bundle with AWS CLI and Python 3.8 support

$ docker run -ti pahud/aws-sam-cli:latest aws --version                                               
aws-cli/1.17.17 Python/3.8.1 Linux/4.9.184-linuxkit botocore/1.14.17
$ docker run -ti pahud/aws-sam-cli:latest python --version                                            
Python 3.8.1

Docker Image Daily Auto Building

The Docker image is hosted in docker hub as an automated build and will be trigger periodically to make sure it always ships the latest version of SAM CLI and AWS CLI. Check the latest build details or all available image tags

The commands below will help you run the latest SAM CLI with docker.

$ docker pull pahud/aws-sam-cli:latest
$ docker run -ti pahud/aws-sam-cli:latest sam --version