
Migrate to Unibeautify as core

Glavin001 opened this issue ยท 16 comments



  • Completely rewritten in TypeScript which is then compiled to JavaScript
    • Faster and cleaner implementation, taking into consideration all that we have learned from Atom-Beautify.
    • Will be easier to contribute to with TypeScript aiding our development and ensuring there are less mistakes in the code
  • #620 - Separate Beautifiers from Atom-Beautify / Unibeautify
    • Users will install only the beautifiers they need. This will heavily reduce installation time and installation folder size of Atom-Beautify.
  • #457 - Multiple active beautifiers
  • #1041 - Dynamic beautifier(s) per project
  • More powerful third-party options importing support with

This one on the back burner?

Yeah, I only have so much time so I'm spending it updating the Atom-Beautify code. Once things on Atom-Beautify are going well I will port over the new features to Unibeautify and polish up. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

Update: While I am working on the Unibeautify core, @szeck87 has been making great strides in upgrading Atom-Beautify to using Unibeautify.

kLOsk commented

Any chance this is still happening? :-/

@kLOsk Thank you for your interest!

Migrating to Unibeautify is still happening -- although quality takes time -- and @szeck87 has made a lot of progress on the Unibeautify branch for Atom-Beautify ๐ŸŽ‰ . And we've both been working hard to build a strong foundation for Unibeautify itself:

Feedback is very appreciated! Thanks in advance!

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kLOsk commented

Thanks @Glavin001, is it advised / possible to run the current dev branch as an Atom package?

@kLOsk you can clone the repository locally and checkout the unibeautify branch. Then apm link it from the terminal/command prompt. What is there now is pretty out of date though, let me open a PR to merge what I have up to it.

FYI, the poll on the atom-beautify page looks like a clickable image of poll results. Visitors that roll over it may expect to click on the image to be taken to the actual poll widget to also give their feedback; however, it's actually an inline widget where each bar is clickable (there are only a few pixels between each item so you can only tell if you roll over the container very slowly). It's a subtle UI issue, but enough that someone may not realize that clicking anywhere will immediately casts a vote for a feature. As a result, I imagine the top item is getting very skewed, a cloud based code formatting service. Please, no.

I didn't even know it's clickable and thought they are poll results :o

Thanks for the feedback, @michaelprescott @jack1142 . I think would be the appropriate place for comments on the poll UI itself.

On our end, a message could be added to the README to make it clear the numbers shown are in fact the only poll results view and clicking the bars will cast a vote for the respective option. I would be happy to merge a PR making sure a change ๐Ÿ˜ƒ . Thanks in advance!

3 years has passed since initial start of this idea and it hasn't been done yeat. :(

I started a new job recently and have not had much time to contribute here. If you would like to try out what is out there, please look at for instructions. It works, but there are gaps between it and the current one, and probably a few bugs too.

Hello !
Is the migration still a goal or is it cancelled ?

What features are you most looking forward to? Will help me prioritize which to develop first.

I plan to pick up on maintenance of Atom-Beautify and Unibeautify soon as my work load reduces. Appreciate everyone's patience.

I arrived here looking into Liquid template formatting support for Atom

@stevenzeck does the unibeautify branch only work for javascript?