
A tool to generate random files in batches.

Please download the jar from the release page and execute it via java -jar (requires Java 17 or later).

Currently only CLI is supported, GUI interface will be provided in the future, as well as a native-image distribution that runs without a JVM.

Required command line arguments:

  • -o <file-name-format>: The format of the file name. This is a pattern string and the resulting filename is formatted by String.format(<file name format>, <file number>) (file number starts counting from zero).
  • -s <file-size>: The file size to be generated. Support unit suffix (e.g. 12k, 1G). If there is no suffix, it is treated as the number of bytes

Optional command line arguments:

  • -m <mode>: The possible values for mode are:
    • zero: Generate files with all bytes set to 0.
    • random: Generate files with random bytes.
  • -n <num files>: The number of files to be generated, default to 1.
  • -d <directory>: The directory to generate files in, defaults to the current directory.
  • -a algo: The random algorithm used to generate the file, ignored in the zero mode. The supported algorithms are:
    • default: The default algorithm, which is based on the Java SplittableRandom.
    • legacy: The legacy algorithm, which is based on the Java Random.
    • Other random generators supported by the JVM (e.g. L32X64MixRandom)
  • -t <num threads>: The number of threads to use, defaults to half the number of available processors.
  • -e <seed>: A long integer value. If it is specified, the program assigns each file a random seed based on it, for deterministic output.