
oauthclient-php is a PHP client for MediaWiki.

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Latest Stable Version License


PHP OAuth client for use with Wikipedia and other MediaWiki-based wikis running the OAuth extension.


$ composer require mediawiki/oauthclient


For working example code, see the demo directory.

General usage is as follows:

  1. Create a new Client with consumer key that you've registered with the wiki. Setting an user agent is highly encouraged.

    $conf = new ClientConfig( 'https://example.org/w/index.php?title=Special:OAuth' );
    $conf->setConsumer( new Consumer(
    ) );
    $conf->setUserAgent( 'MyCoolApp MediaWikiOAuthClient/1.0' );
    $client = new Client( $conf );
  2. Retrieve the authentication URL and the Request Token:

    list( $authUrl, $requestToken ) = $client->initiate();
  3. Store the Request Token somewhere and send the user to the authentication URL.

  4. When the user comes back from the wiki they'll arrive at your callback URL, and the query string will contain an oauth_verifier key. Use this to retrieve an Acccess Token:

    $accessToken = $client->complete( $requestToken,  $_GET['oauth_verifier'] );
  5. Once you've got an Access Token you can store it and use it to make authenticated requests to the wiki.

    To get the user's identity:

    $ident = $client->identify( $accessToken );

    To make any API call:

    $userInfo = $client->makeOAuthCall(

Running tests

composer install --prefer-dist
composer test


The code is a refactored version of Stype/mwoauth-php, which in turn is partially based on Andy Smith's OAuth library. Some code is taken from wikimedia/slimapp. See CHANGELOG.md for more details.