
Dependency injection container based on how spring boot's works

Primary LanguageJava

Autumn DI container 🍁

About this project

Spring boot is now days by far the most used Java web framework, and well, something that caught my eye it's how it magically instantiates and injects your classes.

Projects goals

  • Get a decent understanding of how java.lang.reflect package can be used to create Java libraries
  • Build the project only with Java's core (Done 🎉)


  • Field based injection
  • Constructor based injection
  • @Qualifier field bean injection
  • @Qualifier constructor based injection
  • Bean method instantiation
  • Circular dependency injection detection
  • Multi project build support through @ComponentScan annotation and "Jar in Jar" introspection
  • Bean based circular dependency check


As this project takes heavy inspiration after Spring boot's DI container, its usage is also based annotations, you can find examples for Java, Kotlin and multi project build in this repository this repository

Building the project

This library is not intended to be used in production this is only a hobbyist project, with that said, run the following command:

./gradlew build publishToMavenLocal

With this command you've already built the project and published it to a maven local repository.


If you're using Maven this one will recognize by default all local libraries if any, if you're using gradle you'll need to add mavenLocal() into repositories plugin of your build.gradle file.

repositories {
   mavenLocal() // <- add this
   other repositories...

Remember to add the respective artifacts for your favorite build tool.




implementation 'com.glaze:autumn:0.1'

Gradle kotlin
