
WebSocket(RFC-6455) library written using Swift

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Swift 4.2 MIT

Object-Oriented, Swift-style WebSocket Library (RFC 6455) for Swift-compatible Platforms.


Conforms to all necessary Autobahn fuzzing tests. Autobahn

Test results for DNWebSocket you can see here.

In comparison with SocketRocket, this library shows 2-10 times better performance in many Limits/Performance tests.

Cases 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 6.4.3, 6.4.4 received result Non-Strict due to perfomance improvements(it's complicated to validate each fragmented text message)



To install DNWebSocket via CocoaPods, get it:

$ gem install cocoapods

Then, create a Podfile in your project root directory:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'

target '<Target Name>' do
    pod 'DNWebSocket', '~> 1.1.0'

And run:

$ pod install

For swift version < 4.2 use 1.0.2 version of pod.

Swift Package Manager

Currently, I'm looking for a generic approach which will allow to use C libraries with all Package Managers. So right now, please, use DNWebSocket-SPM repo.


  • iOS 8.0+ / macOS 10.10+ / tvOS 9.0+ / watchOS 2.0+
  • Swift 4.0 + (but I didn't try earlier versions by the way :D)


Import library as follows:

import DNWebSocket

Now create websocket, configure it and connect:

let websocket = WebSocket(url: URL(string: "wss://echo.websocket.org:80")!,
                          timeout: 10,
                          protocols: ["chat", "superchat"])

websocket.onConnect = {
    websocket.sendPing(data: Data())

websocket.onData = { (data) in
    websocket.send(data: data)

websocket.onText = { (text) in
    websocket.send(string: text)

websocket.onPing = { (data) in
    websocket.sendPong(data: data)

websocket.onPong = { (data) in
    print("Received pong from server")

websocket.onDebugInfo = { (debugInfo) in

websocket.onDisconnect = { (error, closeCode) in
    print("disconnected: \(closeCode)")


You can create custom connection by accessing .settings and .securitySettings properties:

websocket.settings.timeout = 5 // sec
websocket.settings.debugMode = true // will trigger .onDebugInfo callback and send .debug(String) event
websocket.settings.useCompression = true // false by default
websocket.settings.maskOutputData = true // true by default
websocket.settings.respondPingRequestsAutomatically = true // true by default 
websocket.settings.callbackQueue = .main

websocket.securitySettings.useSSL = false // true by default
websocket.securitySettings.overrideTrustHostname = true // false by default
websocket.securitySettings.trustHostname = /*your hostname*/
websocket.securitySettings.certificateValidationEnabled = true
websocket.securitySettings.cipherSuites = []