IL2CPP is Unity AOT compiler translates Intermediate Language (IL) from .NET compilers into C ++ code. The executable library provides tools such as a garbage collector, platform independent access to streams and files, and internal call implementations (native code that modifies managed data structures directly).
- anthoniusskSlovakia
- aojingen
- Autoplay1999Thailand
- ChenQing-888
- ClarkKeytonAntiCoverCorp-Hololive
- CNLouisLiu
- dotnetian
- DracoMan671
- EgorBron@Blusutils, @primland-fun
- geduardcatalindev
- haizipsi
- hellomykami
- HumbertzhangShanghai, China
- jackchatelainUnited States 「米国」
- jejikehEuphrosyne Polotskaya State University of Polotsk
- JustinBrowNoVA, USA
- liuguohua-cn
- lunaisnotaboy@mint-lgbt
- Lyobarius
- mmhe
- Natashi
- netnutch
- NorbiPeti@TBMCPlugins
- Orange23333Anhui, China
- RaizyDaizy
- RiritoXXL
- SolAZDevPuerto Rico
- SunGuangdongGame Development Laboratory
- Taiga74164@Crepe-Inc
- technicaljicama
- TeoTwawkiUnder the mountain, sleeping.
- woxihuanjia
- xuewuliBeijing China
- yimingqpa
- Zishan-RahmanKing's College London (again)