Build JS documentation leveraging JSDoc and Flow.
Full support is:
- parse name
- parse jsdoc description
- parse jsdoc @param and @return(s)
- parse flow types
- reconcile flow and JSdoc types
MVP that shows how we can use jsdoc and flow types together when generating docs.
- get AST via babylon
- get class names from named and default export declarations
- get raw JSdoc of a class (i.e. linked to a class comment block)
- get a list of a class methods
- get flow types of a class methods
- parse JSDoc for each class method
- reconcile flow and JSdoc types for class methods
- arrange repo with lerna and yarn workspaces
- create simple react(?) app which represents output of fjs core function
Full support of the class properties and methods.
- get a list of class properties
- get flow types for class properties
- get all available class names within a file:
- get names from variable declarations.
- get names from unassigned class expressions.
- get names for any other class declarations.
- cli
- docs for classes, functions and variables
- docs for flow types and interfaces
- *.js -> html docs
- ???
Supported jsdoc tags:
- @param
- @return(s)
- @see
- @example
- @throw(s)