Welcome to the lab! Azure IoT Time Series Insights (TSI) Preview is an end-to-end platform-as-a-service (PaaS) offering. You can use it to collect, process, store, analyze, and query data at Internet of Things (IoT) scale--data that's highly contextualized and optimized for time series.
Time Series Insights is designed for ad hoc data exploration and operational analysis. It's an extensible and customized service offering that meets the broad needs of industrial IoT deployments.
You are a consultant for Contoso Wind Farm--a utility company in the Northeast with a diverse energy portfolio. Contoso Wind Farm operates a dozen wind farms, and they have tasked you with creating a cloud storage and analytics solution that includes a user-interface for the operations hub managers. A cloud gateway device has already been configured to ingest data from a handful of wind mills at four of their farms so that you can get started on a proof of concept.
You will go through the following steps:
- Get to Know You Survey
- Event Hub Set-Up and Device Simulation
- TSI Environment Set-Up
- TSI Explorer Overview
- Time Series Model (TSM) Creation
- Query and Chart Time Series
- Links to Additional Resource
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