My profile banner. It shows a picture of me standing next to logos depicting languages and frameworks I'm competent in

Hello World!, and welcome to the coolest place on the internet 😎

Hey there 👋,

I'm Glenn! I make websites and applications, mostly using Nuxt, Vue, NodeJS, Laravel, PHP, C# and Python! I'm a curious programmer with a love of learning and a passion for improving. I'm always seeking out new challenges and love the sense of accomplishment from figuring out the solution to something tricky 💪

A picture showing three logos, a Marketo Certified Expert badge, a Pardot Specialist badge and a Marketing Cloud Email Specialist badge

I'm currently certified in three marketing automation platforms: Marketo, Pardot (now Marketing Cloud Account Engagement) and Salesforce Marketing Cloud, having achieved my certifications in Pardot and Marketo within 8 months of starting my role at Clevertouch Marketing! I specialise in web development and am continuously looking to improve my skills!

I have been learning Vue, Nuxt and Laravel for over a year now and absolutely love them, they are definitely the biggest components of my personal stack! I have also been learning some Unity C# and hope to properly enter the Ludum Dare contest properly one day!

I've been working on my personal site, GlennHS for about a month now and its been a very fulfilling and enjoyable experience. I've been able to use new technologies, decide my own tech stack, learn about which technology works best for what, further my Nuxt and Vue learning as well as really get stuck in with TailwindCSS and Nuxt Content.

I'm very proud of what I've accomplished so far and I really look forward to finding more fun side projects that I can add to my site as well as create more blog posts (read as: shout into this void we call the internet) :)

A picture showing the logo of my app, Center

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