Barcode scanner

Server and web for barcode scanner app



Connect at /session/connect

Sent from clients

Connect to session

	"type": "connect",
	"session": "SESSION-ID"

Subscribes the client to all scans in session.

Scanned item

	"type": "scan",
	"session": "SESSION-ID",
	"content": "SCAN-CONTENT"

Broadcasts scanned content to all clients connected to session. You don't have to be connected to the session to send a scan.

Sent from server


	"scan": "SCAN-CONTENT"

Broadcasted scan content from a reader.


Create session

POST /session/create

Creates a session. No body is needed.

Return body

Is a json representation of the Session object

	"id": "SESSION-ID",
	"clients": [
			"connectedOn": "CONNECT-DATE",
			"client": "WS-CLIENT"
	"scanned": [
			"value": "SCAN-VALUE",
			"date": "SCAN-DATE"

Get session

GET session/:id

Gets the session.

Return body

Is a json representation of the Session object

	"id": "SESSION-ID",
	"clients": [
			"connectedOn": "CONNECT-DATE",
			"client": "WS-CLIENT"
	"scanned": [
			"value": "SCAN-VALUE",
			"date": "SCAN-DATE"

404 error

Means that the session does not exist